
December 28, 2015

Six Years With Gemmie

On December 28, 2009 I brought Gem into my life. We have both grown and changed so much that those who witnessed the horror of our partnership back then wouldn't even recognize us now. I am so proud of both of us and while we remain far from perfect, I have done things with her I wouldn't have dreamed possible before. I'm a one horse type of gal and have zero interest in finding a new partner any time soon, so she is stuck with me for many years to come.

December 2009. Poor pony needed groceries, TLC and exercise
April 2010. At the training facility in Ohio. Hair is beginning to grow back on her rump. She was very tired most of the time and if I knew then what I do now I would have moved her from there ASAP.
We then moved to WI that May and I have no clue where any of my late 2010 pictures have gone.
January 2011. We rented the house on the boarding property and I really miss having her in my back yard.
April 2011. Shedding out with dapples thanks to some good groceries, care and exercise.
May 2011. Her front hooves look near club foot especially the front right. We found Wonder Farrier Chad around this time.
October 2011. Finishing our first 25 mile LD. We came in 8th place with all As. I didn't know BC was a thing, so I didn't present for it.
February 2012. Snow. Lots of snow and sub 0 temperatures
March 2012. Starting to shed for the year with mud everywhere. Look how her front hooves have changed. I really, really miss Chad.
June 2012. Sleek, shiny and full of attitude
November 2012. Right before Wyatt joined our family. Looking a bit pudgy which I never minded going into a WI winter.
December 2012. Wyatt's first ride on Gem. She was not really sure what was going on.
Once Wyatt came along and the cold winter began, I didn't see Gem all that much. She enjoyed that winter and spring getting fat and being lazy. That June we moved to SC and into crabby acres where we lasted only a few months before heading to a lovely barn and organic farm.
September 2013. Looking a little round in the middle, but shiny and happy. Crabby Acres.
October 2013. After our first hunter pace. She was impatient and looking for more
December 2013. Found a lovely patch of clover to fuel up on at the Clemson Experimental Forest.
January 2014. I still can't get used to sunny, warm days all year round.

March 2014. Seasonal alopecia sets in as she sheds her yak like coat faster than the summer hair can grow in. Keeping the skin moisturized did the trick and soon enough she was pretty again.
July 2014. Biltmore 25 mile LD. She was looking a bit pudgy going into it. She didn't eat at all during the ride and we rode  slowly to go with a friend, but she still was happy at the end.
September 2014. Looking amazing at the end of a tough summer of conditioning. This is exactly how I would like her to look at all times.
October 2014. After finishing our first 50 miler at the Barefoot Shine and Wine in TN. She was a pill to start, but finished looking good. Her hydration was off, but that just gave me some homework.
After the 50 Gem and I parted ways for a while like we always do after spending so much time together.
February 2015. During the first loop at our second 50 at Camp Osborne Pow Wow. Her hydration was spot on and we rode 80% of it on our own without trying to kill each other.
March 2015. Looking good after the 50 a month before. 
June 2015. Hospitalized after suffering her medial heel bulb laceration. If I could photoshop out the bandages, she would be in probably the best condition I had ever had her.
September 2015. First day back in tack after her injury. Shiny and fat.
November 2015. Looking a bit skinny and without her topline, but we are working hard to bring that back.
So there you have it. Six years of trials, tribulations, dreams conquered, and changes. There are plenty more adventures to be had and I wouldn't want to have them with anyone else.


  1. Congrats on 6 years! Had to giggle about the "not killing one another" bit. I understand those sentiments!

    1. Thanks!! It sure has been a worthwhile journey.

  2. She's a good looking mare. Congrats on your 6 years.
