
April 8, 2015

Anyone Remember the Bia?

Dusty had searched high a low for a new GPS watch for me around Christmas time and had settled on the new Bia sports watch due to numerous features that sounded very interesting and useful. You can read my two reviews here and here.

In the end I decided to return it due to a much less predictable and reliable tracking system than my Garmin and at a $250 price tag it just wasn't worth it. The company was very nice and refunded all the money easily enough.

Well, I am sure glad I returned it when I did. Apparently I wasn't the only person who didn't like the tracks they were getting from it and the business is now no longer. I've read some pretty angry posts about people going off for a major run only to find out that the data wasn't being recorded and there is no longer a website to look it up on.

I guess that is the risk you take when you decide to go with a start up and honestly I find it a little sad that they couldn't make a go of it. The watch itself was extremely comfortable and the features were really nice and well thought out. But if you are going to go up against the big boys such as Garmin you better have some pretty darn accurate GPS tracks and they just didn't match up.

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