
January 2, 2014

Welcome to 2014! :)

 A day late. Sorry about that. Life is busy. Most horse people are filling their blogs with goals for 2014. I'm not a super goal oriented person. I like completing tasks and such and I do make long term dreams/plans, but in general I don't make short term checklists. They stress me out too much. I like to think of the larger picture instead, so my 2014 blog post is somewhat different than others.

In general I hope for a happy and healthy year filled with laughter and good memories. 2014 is the year that I want to complete my first 50 mile endurance ride. A lot of things need to occur in order for that to happen and I am trying to take them one step at a time.

First up on the list is getting a saddle that fits. I won't be going anywhere until that occurs. I am 99.9% sure I have found it so now to worry about the logistics of ordering it.

Second will be conditioning. I've been thinking through my plans and how to make it work with my full time mom job, full time doctor job and only so many hours of daylight available. I think I have a realistic plan that will work. At least for a while. Once I knock #1 off my list I can get back to working Gem and the good news is that she has historically held onto her fitness once I get her there with minimal maintenance.

Outside of that there are some little things that need worked on such as her confidence out solo, increasing speed (a big problem for us right now) and maybe later on in the spring finding come riding buddies. Add to that some gear I'd like to work on getting and my current internal debate on barefoot vs shoes vs boots.

But in general it is all gearing toward getting to the starting line of our first 50. I know which one I want to do and just need to work on getting there. I want to use the hunter paces as much as I can for conditioning rides since they are closer, cheaper and easier over all to work into life.

In my non horsey life I started my picture a day challenge again. I did it in 2012 and loved the results. You take a picture every single day for the year. At the end you have 365 pictures to look back on. I love pictures but am bad at remembering to take any so this was great for me. Residency made it difficult at times when I never made it home from one work day before the next started again, but even those pictures remind me of those hard times. I already have 2 taken :)

Happy New Year and I hope 2014 brings you all happiness, health and that you meet your goals and dreams for the year.

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