
January 6, 2014

Saddle Ordered :)

I'm soooo happy and excited!!!

I placed my order this weekend for an Advantage saddle. I can't tell you how awesome K is to work with. Not only does she respond quickly and in detail but she is willing to work around some things.

I ended up ordering the western saddle without fenders in chocolate brown with a black seat. Medium tree with average shoulder angle, no loin lift and straight bars. 15" seat. Sheepskin skirts. The shoulder angle gave me some trouble, but in the end this one fits her so well that I hate to make big changes to it. I also ordered her special wool pad with shim system so if I need to lift it up in front I can.

I added on a mohair cinch in red because why not? And EZ ride stirrups.

I wanted to get a full sheepskin saddle cover but the price started getting a little high and after talking with her I may not need one. The demo saddle I have been using has a different seat in it than what I ordered and she hasn't needed to make a sheepskin cover in a long time since she switched the foam in the seat. I'm going to try it without and if I decide it would be nice to have I can always ask for it for my b-day or anniversary or Christmas next year. It isn't a necessity.

If you look at her website she offers custom tooling on the leather and really enjoys doing the artwork. I don't have a lot of extra cash to spend on non essentials with the saddle, so I didn't order anything. K came back to me asking what custom artwork I would like and said she would do it at no charge. No charge!!! I can't believe it. So now I am racking my brain for something special to have her add to it. My cynical side is telling me not to do anything too out of the ordinary in case I have to resell the saddle down the road. But I don't know.

I don't want roses or hearts or flowers. She specifically asked for something with meaning to me. I am leaning towards a horseshoe with a dog paw print in the middle of it to symbolize my puppy as well. The hubs said to have her out my best pup profile on it but I don't know if I want to do that or not. I may though. Not sure.

I have some time to think it over and decide what I want. It will be engraved on the saddle for forever so its a big deal.

In the meantime I can keep the demo as long as nobody else wants it and so the next hunter pace on the 19th is a go! Unless someone else wants it before then.

My saddle and my original Wintec are both up for sale on various websites and I hope they sell quickly. I have never sold tack online before so I am a little nervous about it.

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